Today, this meme was posted on my Facebook feed. It brought back a flood of memories for me of that time. I did not fight in the Vietnam War. Though I was in college, I never applied for a student deferment from the draft because I thought it was unfair to those of my generation who were not in college. Why should I receive a privilege that was unavailable to those who did not? The year I was eligible for the draft, it had evolved into the lottery system. A number was assigned to a person’s birthday. As it happened, the number that was assigned to my birthday was 266. Had I been born a day before or a day after my birthday, my draft number would have been 60 or 158. The draft board went up to 254 that year. From that moment on I was given a new draft status, 1-H. I ended up not being drafted into the armed forces.

However, I never forgot those who fought, died, and those wounded by that war. The irreparable psychological damage caused by combat was as grave as the physical wounds suffered by these men and women who served. Many died in the Vietnam War, but didn’t know it as Agent Orange completed that task many, many years later.

On this anniversary of what now has been seen as a major failure of American policy with such a high cost in human life, I resubmit a prayer song I composed back in 1975 for those who fought and died in that war. It was one of my first piano musical compositions. I think the song equally applies to all those who have fought in the Gulf War, in Iraq, and in Afghanistan.

A Prayer Song for All Who Fought in the Vietnam War, Psalm Offering 2 Opus 1 (c) 1975 by Robert Charles Wagner. All rights reserved.

Published by

Deacon Bob

I am a composer, performer, poet, educator, spiritual director, and permanent deacon of the Catholic Church. I just recently retired after 42 years of full-time ministry in the Catholic Church. I continue to serve in the Church part-time. I have been blessed to be united in marriage to my bride, Ruth, since 1974. I am father to four wonderful adult children, and grandfather to five equally wonderful grandchildren. In my lifetime, I have received a B.A. in Music (UST), M.A. in Pastoral Studies (St. Paul Seminary School of Divinity, UST), Certified Spiritual Director. Ordained to the Permanent Diaconate for the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, in 1991. Composer, musician, author, poet, educator. The Gospels drive my political choices, hence, leading me toward a more liberal, other-centered politics rather than conservative politics. The great commandment of Jesus to love one another as he has loved us, as well as the criteria he gives in Matthew 25 by which we are to be judged at the end of time directs my actions and thoughts.

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